• Welcome to the YWLA StuCo website! Learn about who we are and what we do!

    We are the official student government for the Young Women's Leadership Academy. We seek to improve the lives of students academically and socially through events we participate in and hold.


    Who's in StuCo?

    YWLA Student Council is an organization that is open to all YWLA students.

    The YWLA StuCo works on projects that include; Homecoming, Red Ribbon Week, National Teen Driver Safety Week , Cowtown Clean Up, School elections, Beauty Week, and many, many more! 

    Join us and let us know what you would like to see our campus do!


    2018-2019 Officers

    President: Nicole Gonzalez

    Vice-President: Honour Williams

    Secretary: Sariah Veal

    Treasurer: Daniella Galaso & Arden Morgan

    Public Relations: Daniella Galaso & Arden Morgan


    StuCo Constitution

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