Leonard Middle School

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  • Next week, Sept. 25-29, we are hosting our first-ever Kindness Week on campus. Students will be given different activities to do to promote kindness each day. Week of Kindness

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    Week in a Snapshot Week of 9/18

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  • We had a successful MacBook deployment! Those students who returned their parent-signed form received a MacBook. Please be on the lookout for the Student Device Check Out form that we sent home. It has important information on the form that tells you the MacBook # that was checked out to your student. Keep this form for your records. Thank you for signing the paper that allowed your child to have a MacBook. MacBooks will be going home with students. It is the responsibility of the student to take care of it and bring it to school each day fully charged. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school. 

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