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Eastern Hills High School is Proud to Celebrate the Extraordinary Achievements of Makeio Mckenzie
Makeio is a senior who has excelled both academically and athletically, embodying the spirit of dedication and excellence!
Ready for the World: Transition Center Equips 2024 Grads with Vocational Skills to Land Jobs
The Fort Worth ISD is proud to celebrate the drive and resilience of the 2024 Transition Center graduating class!
Fort Worth ISD Selects Metrasens as Weapons Detection Solution for Graduations and Extracurricular Events
Fort Worth ISD Selecciona a Metrasens como Solución de Detección de Armas para Graduaciones y Eventos Extracurriculares
Students can now check on their password. Follow the directions. If you're having trouble viewing a site, clear your cache and shut the computer down properly. Then restart.