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Welcome to 2024 -25 Letter - Parents Orientation Letter




To the BEST School Community in the Nation,

 Welcome to this sensational new school year, 2024-2025! We are excited to begin the journey. Our mindset has not changed; we want to foster a culture of effort. A culture that brings Joy with everything we do. This will be a great year are we continue to build positive and proactive relationships with students, families and the community while we remain future focused

The first day of school, August 13th, 2024, is almost here! We are all excited to see the students arrive with smiling faces and eager to begin the new school year. As students enter their new classrooms, the teachers will start the year off with circles to know each other and how we all can work better together.

Please complete your registration so your student is assigned to a teacher. Find the link on our school website.


Our PTA is a proven champion for families and teachers at every level. Last year, our PTA received multiple awards from Texas PTA! Thank you to all our past PTA board members for making us one of the best PTAs in FWISD.   

Help us back the future of Every Child with One Voice! You can now sign up for 24-25 PTA Membership! It is only $8! Join here!

Visit our new PTA website! See the PTA calendar of events and announcements! Click here to visit our PTA website!

Waverly Park Staff

Our staff is ready to greet your child/children and make the first day of school run smoothly! We thank all of you in advance for your patience during the first few days when students need extra transition time as they get used to their new school routines. Your friendliness and courtesy will be extremely appreciated as you drop-off and pick up your children from school.

School Calendar

We follow the 2024 – 2025 FWISD Traditional School Calendar. 


The beginning of the school year is a good time to review and bring you up to date on a few matters. 

New School Hours

PreK -5th grade            7:50 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.


Please reach out to our nurse on the week of August 7th to drop off medication and discuss your child’s needs, before school starts. Do not send medication with your student please.  

Bus routes

All bus routes will be posted this week on our school website at We have a draft but it has not been approved by transportation yet. 

Visitors to the Building

We are relying on our partnership with you to keep the children and staff members safe. Please understand that the safety of all our students and staff is our priority. 

  • All visitors may only enter the building through the main school entrance. To gain access into the school building, press the button on the right side of the main doors and identify yourself through the intercom. Once you have been permitted entrance, please go directly to the front office. 
  • All visitors will go straight to the office. Visitors will not be allowed in other parts of school unless approved by admin in advance.
  • All visitors in the building will be given visitor sticker after checking in at the front office. The sticker must be worn by the visitor while in the building and returned to the front office when leaving the building.
  • All visitors in the building should expect a staff member to ask their names and the purpose of their visit.
  • First day of school, no parents or visitor will be allowed beyond the main office double doors.  The only exception will be for PK, Kinder and first grade parents to walk their students, only for the first week. Please use the library doors between 7:40 pm and 7:50 pm.
  • For lunch, there will be a schedule coming up soon. You can find it a  There will be a designated day by grade level for parents to eat with students. It will be sent after Labor Day when classroom rosters are finalized by FWISD.


We thank all of you for adhering to the drop-off/pick-up process; we know by working as a team it will run smoothly. For those of you unfamiliar with our different processes, the procedures are as follows:


Student Arrival and Dismissal

  • Cimmaron Trail is a one-way street (South bound only) during drop off and dismissal. Don’t get a ticket please.
  • 2024-2025 Pick-Up cards will be used this year. During meet the teacher night, the student’s family will be issued two cards to use during the school year. If you do not have your card at dismissal, you will be directed to go to the main office and show your ID before we will be able to release the student to you. Previous year’s pick up cards should be discarded.
  • Any change in your child’s dismissal needs to be communicated from you to the school office (817-815-6700) no later than 2:30 pm for all grades. The front office will communicate the dismissal change to your child’s teacher. If you want to communicate the dismissal change directly to your child’s teacher, you will need to email the teacher 24 hours in advance of the dismissal change. Don’t relay the message to change the way they go home on the students please.
  • Morning Arrival—School doors will open at 7:20 am. The school and FWISD are not responsible for the actions of the students or the students dropped off and left unattended before 7:20 am. Guardians must remain close to their children until the school doors are opened. Student will be sent to either the cafeteria for breakfast or the gymnasium to wait for the 7:40 am bell.
  • Breakfast—Breakfast will be served from 7:20 am to 7:40 am. If the buses are late, those students will receive breakfast after 7:40 am. No parents of visitor will be allowed beyond the main office double doors or the cafeteria. No exceptions.
  • Afternoon Dismissal—There are only four ways we dismiss at Waverly Park.
    • PreK parent’s walk-up location will be at the gates by the soccer field ( library when it rains)
    • Families will wait on the sidewalk with their 2024 -2025 pick-up card. Teachers will dismiss students to their parent/family
    • The best way to do parent walk-up is to park at Grace Church and cross the street safely assisted by our crossing guards. Be courteous to our amazing crossing guards. There are a lot of cars and people moving on Cimmaron during dismissal and our crossing guards do an incredible job keeping us all safe.
    • Let your child’s teacher know at Meet the Teacher Night or as soon as possible which school bus your child will ride.
    • Use this link to look up the school bus number, pick-up and arrival times
    • Students are expected to follow the student code of conduct when riding the FWISD school bus. Failure to adhere to the student code of conduct could result in losing the privilege of riding the bus. See page 12 from the student code of conduct for specific information regarding bus transportation expectations
    • School buses in FWISD do not stop within a 2 miles radius from the school.
    • Parent Walk-Up
    • Bus


    • YMCA/Daycare
      • Provide your child’s teacher with the daycare name and phone number.
      • If your child will be attending the YMCA after school program, let your child’s teacher know. If you are interested in YMCA program at Waverly Park go to  to learn how to sign your child up.
    • Carline
      • Carline starts at Bandera and Chapin, then continues along Bangor Dr. and turns south on Cimmaron trail.
      • Remain in your vehicle. To maximize efficiency and ensure safety for all students, no one will be allowed to park or leave their car unattended in the drop-off/pick-up lane.
      • Please do not drop students in the middle of the street. Please do not drop students in front of the crossings.
      • Do not block driveways and fire hydrants. 
      • Do not text while driving. Cell phones should not be used in school zones for student safety.
      • Please do not cut or change lanes. Once a car picks up their child(ren) and exits the drop off/ pick up areas pull forward and fill any vacant areas in the driveline.
      • Follow Driveline personnel’s instructions to ensure safety for all students and staff. Students must exit cars on the sidewalk side during drop-off.
      • There are crossing guards on duty to safely cross students, so please take advantage of this.
      • Do not conference with a teacher or staff member during carline please.
      • PreK-5th parents/families will need to show the 2023-2024 Pick-Up card through the passenger window or on the  side of the dash board. Our carline extends all the way to the library to have more cars loading at once. Upper grades students will be expected to open their own car doors.
      • Carline Information and Instructions:


Early Dismissal

PreK-5th grade students may receive an early dismissal as late as 2:30 pm. 


All students must be seated in their seats by 7:50 am. Instruction starts at 7:50 am. All students arriving to school after 7:50 am will be marked as tardy. Being late on regular basis will create gaps and future frustration in your child’s educational future because of the amount of content that it was missed.

After 7:50 pm, if your student is late to school,  parents must come to the office to sign in.

 Attendance will be taken at 10:00 each day.

All absences, excused or unexcused, always count against the student’s attendance record. Students must spend a minimum of 90% of the school year in school to be considered for promotion to the next grade level. Excused absences will be granted after administration reviews the notes provided by the guardians.

Grades and other important notification

You will have to create a parent portal account at

 to access your child’s academic progress and report cards. Reach out to our Family Engagement Specialist, Veronica Young, if you need help setting up your Parent Portal account at

There is a strong connection between good attendance and good grades. If the student is absent on regular basis, the student can not learn on regular basis. See the attached attendance chart. 


Breakfast and Lunch

  • Breakfast and lunch will be free of charge for all students, but you still need to complete the 2024-2025 registration online.
  • We are a nut free school. Please do not send nuts to school in your child’s lunch or snack, we have students with severe allergies.
  • Due to various allergies, please encourage your child/children not to share food.

School Supplies

For the third year, the Fort Worth ISD Board of Education - with stakeholder input - recently approved purchasing school supplies for all enrolled elementary students. Free supplies for all students at Waverly Park. 

How are we going to communicate with you…

  • Email is our official way of communication. 
  • Parent portal – Sign up during Meet the Teacher Night.
  • School phone number – (817) 815 – 6700
  • Check your student backpack everyday.
  • School Website –
  • GroupME app– Sign up during Meet the Teacher Night! This is super helpful!
  • Facebook – 
  • Instagram – waverlyparkfw

Mandatory Registration

  • All Fort Worth ISD students – or their parents – can complete registration on this page. Online registration is for all students – both new and returning – and is a “must” in order to be enrolled in the Fort Worth ISD.
  • The process for returning students is fast and should not take more than five to ten minutes.  Using your student’s ID, confirm the information you’ve previously supplied or update any new information.
  • Registration is essential for our communication with you, your child’s status in our system directly impacts school funding which at the end it might impact your child’s educational future. Please register! We can help you register at school if you need assistance. 

Dress Code

Students are expected to be in dress code beginning on the first day of school. All students are expected to wear uniforms every day.  The only alternative to the uniform is that students are allowed to wear Waverly Park spirit shirts Monday to Friday (click here to purchase t-shirts).

Students are allowed to wear College t-shirts only on Fridays. Jackets are to be plain, solid navy, solid white, solid black, or solid gray with no wording or images. Winter coats can be in any color.  Please write your child’s name in the jacket so if left somewhere (playground, cafeteria, etc.) we can return it. No sandals, no flip flops. 

We will have a Crocs day at the end of every six week.

Click here for the expectations from our board of education regarding dress code.

Student cell phones

All students cell phones must be turned off and placed in their backpack while riding the bus and at school. If a student is caught using their cell phone on the school bus or on campus, the phone can be taken up by a Waverly Park Faculty or Staff member. Confiscated phones will have to be picked by the parents or legal guardian.

If a student needs to call home during the school day then the teacher or another staff member will make the call in a timely manner depending on the severity of the need.


If is your obligation as a parent to provide the school with court papers regarding any custody concerns related to your child. All court papers will be reviewed by our school administrators and/or our legal department. Since the documents will need to be reviewed, please do not wait until the last minute to provide the paperwork to the campus. We are encouraging you to keep a positive relationship with the other part for the benefit of your child and the climate of the school. Please keep us informed of any updates.

Thank you for letting me be your principal, I will never take it for granted!

Again, thank you for your support and cooperation to our school and our teachers!

It’s going to be a great year!


Roberto Baeta

Principal at Waverly Park.