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Quick Links and Important Information

Important Items to Note:



1. No Parking in Staff Lots - Please do not park in the staff parking lots, even if you think it will only be for a moment.  Our teachers must be able to park their cars in the lots in the morning to be able to make it to their classrooms in time to meet your students for class.  We have had issues in the last few weeks with parents utilizing these lots.  Staff lots are located at the corner of Hemphill & Jessamine, Lipscomb and Jessamine and the driveway area on Lipscomb next to the playground. 

2. The parking lots at the North West corner of Hemphill and Jessamine Street are no longer available to parents for parking to pick up or drop off students. In an effort to reduce traffic congestion and cars being towed we will begin asking ALL parents to not park on either side of Jessamine Street, observe the One-Way direction of this street and to please remain in their cars at pick up. We will direct our Middle School students to wait on the sidewalk all along Jessamine Street following the map below. Please pull up to the curb and pick up your student.  Middle School students with siblings in elementary may join them at their dismissal location on Lipscomb Street for a one stop pick up.  Please be patient as we maneuver our way through this issue. We understand the frustration and have observed the traffic congestion at these times of the day. We want to provide a safe and stress free experience and will try our best to accommodate everyone in a timely manner during dismissal.

Green - 6th Grade / Blue - 7th Grade / Yellow - 8th Grade 

MS pick up / No parking

3.  The Transportation department has asked that we kindly ask you to not park in the bus loading / unloading zone on West Jessamine Street in the mornings and afternoons for the safety of our bus riding students.  The hours of no parking are 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  This includes Jessamine Street between Lipscomb & Hemphill and the inlet/cut out parking area next to the Middle School building.  This is a bus loading zone and cars parked here (see below) during the posted times will be ticketed.  


3.  Please familiarize yourself with the DMS Rainy Day aka Inclement Weather dismissal plan.  Anytime we experience rain, extreme cold or other inclement weather at dismissal, our campus will enact these procedures.  This plan is for the saftey of our students.  Please download and read through the procedure HERE.

4.  Please don't park within 30 feet of intersections/stop signs or crosswalks OR on Jessaming Street in the bus loading / unloading zones. There are street signs in place designating these NO PARKING areas.

5.  Please remember Jessamine Street is One-Way between 7:00-9:00 a.m.and 2:00-4:00 p.m.  In order for the new pick up / drop off procedure to be effective West bound traffic is not allowed.  Vehicles may travel East to Hemphill only.  Please adhere to traffic laws, keep your eyes on the road and off the phone, watch for students and be kind to other drivers.