Nurses Corner

I hope everyone has a safe and fun summer!


A few reminders:


  • If your student has medication or medical supplies in the nurse’s office, please pick it up by the end of the last day of school (Thursday, May 23rd), otherwise it will be discarded.


Prior to the 2024-2025 school year starting, please remember the following:


  • The following forms need to be completed each new school year (forms attached)


  1. Medication Administration Request Form
  2. Specialized Health Care Procedure Form
  3. Self-Administration of Prescribed Asthma or Anaphylaxis Medication by Student


  • Please make sure to hand in a current immunization record for your student (students are required to have current immunizations prior to attending school)


  • Incoming 7th graders are required to have the following immunizations prior to attending the 2024-2025 school year:


  1. Meningococcal
  2. Tdap


  • If your student has outgrown any of their uniform clothes, please consider donating them to the school (we are in need of all sizes)  


  • Prior to the beginning of the new school year, please review, with your student, the appropriate and necessary reasons for seeing the school nurse (i.e.: significant bleeding, difficulty breathing, vomiting . . .)



Trista Bachand, MS, RN

School Nurse | Daggett Montessori


Medication Administration Information


Self Administration Form


Medication Administration Request Form


Specialized Health Care Procedures Form