Attendance Adds Up



School attendance is a primary indicator of academic success, and it starts on the first day of school. Missing out on a reading strategy or an Algebra lesson can set your student back - and it adds up with every absence.

While illnesses and family emergencies cannot be helped, it is important to ensure your child is on time to school and ready to learn every day. Because attendance is so critical for the quality of your child’s education, Texas has a required school attendance law.

Every absence is counted in a student’s attendance record, regardless of the reason. Even two absences a month for nine months of school can jeopardize a student’s ability to pass a class or graduate from high school. 

The 90 Percent Attendance Law

State law requires children to attend school each day that instruction is provided. The student must be in class at least 90 percent of the time if they are to receive credit for the class. All absences count toward the 10 percent absence rate.

Elementary school students may be required to repeat a grade if they are in school less than 90 percent of school days. A student in middle school or high school might have to repeat a certain class if they did not attend that class 90 percent of the time.

When attendance drops below 90 percent

The student’s parent or guardian shall be given written notice prior to and at such time when a student’s attendance in any class drops below 90 percent of the days that class is offered.

This notice will provide students and parents with opportunities to work with either the campus principal or with an attendance committee in creating an attendance recovery plan. This plan is designed to help students earn credit for attendance, grades, or for both in order to pass a class or to graduate on time.

If student attendance drops below 75 percent, an attendance committee will automatically review the student’s attendance and grades to determine the student’s ability to pass a class or graduate on time.

If a student’s attendance has fallen below 90 percent it is important for that student to avoid any more absences for any reason. Continued absenteeism may impact the Principal Plan or Attendance Committee decision.

It all adds up

Every absence, for any reason, becomes part of a student’s attendance record. Too many absences can compromise a student’s grades or attendance credits and can impact their ability to succeed. The best action a student can take is to be in school every day, because it all adds up. Parents and students are encouraged to keep track of absences and work with their school to keep attendance above 90 percent.

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