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J.T. Stevens Elementary
Our school’s namesake was a Fort Worth resident for 30 years who dropped out of school in the eighth grade. When Mr. Stevens retired as a hardware store owner, he donated 66 acres for this school site along with nearly 90 other acres for other Fort Worth ISD school sites. Mr. Stevens, who died in 1975, said he wanted students to have more opportunities than he had.
The school opened in 1967 and the Applied Learning Program began on campus in 2014. J.T. Stevens Elementary welcomed Principal Mr. Drew Farr during the 2020-2021 school year. Mrs. Beverly Liberato joined our flock in the fall of 2022. In 2021, all teachers were trained in the Applied Learning Program which is a part of the Gold Seal Program and Schools of Choice. Staff, teachers, students, and administrators alike strive to create a welcoming environment where students are able to thrive.
During the 2021-2022 school year, the students began a school-wide House System. House meetings are held once a week where they get to know students in other grade levels and homerooms. They learn about character traits that they can demonstrate and build for years to come. Each House has a different trait: Yellow: “Ignosi” which means knowledge, Green: “Tolmao” which means courage, Blue: “Pistos” which means trust, and Purple: “Philotimo” which means Honor. Each child will remain in a House while at J.T. Stevens, giving them all consistency, a place to belong, and a tradition to continue.