(Turn your phone sideways!)
Jo Kelly School educates medically fragile students with severe and profound disabilities, aged three to twenty-one.
The FWISD Special Education Department supports the District's mission of preparing all students for success and supports differentiating instruction, as appropriate, to meet the needs of all students. It also provides support in the delivery of services to students with special needs as determined by the Admission, Review or Dismissal (ARD) Committee and as stated in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
Jo Kelly Honors
The staff here at Jo Kelly School provide many learning environments for students to reach their educational goals.
The Sensory Room Committee includes teachers, teaching assistants, therapists, and our principal.
The Sensory Room experience is provided under the guidance of Jo Kelly School staff, who know which piece of equipment and which activity will benefit each student the most.
We Love Our Jo Kelly School Family Members!
Over the last year, Jo Kelly School families have had opportunities to volunteer or just enjoy the day with their child. We continue to have numerous volunteer opportunities and special events that families are welcome to participate in.
♥ Jo Kelly School Volunteers ⇒
Jo Kelly is lucky to have the BEST family volunteers in Fort Worth!
Our volunteers help with field trips, find services for our students and families, and run the different activities that we have throughout the school year.
We would like to make an special shout out to Mr.Hardin. Mr.Hardin has taken it upon himself to maintain the beauty and integrity of the ⇐ The Alison Hardin Playground and Eli Bradford Garden of Angels each month for years and years.
Thank You Mr. Hardin!
Our Family Involvement Is Priceless!
In September of this year we had Grandparents day! Parents and grandparents came! We expect a bigger turnout next year too!
In October we had The Fall Festival and many parents attended to spend time with their children.
The last Thursday of each November Jo Kelly School hosts The Family Feast with families bringing food and eating together! Families also did a Turkey Craft Project which was used for decoration.
As recently as two weeks ago in January we had many families join us on field trips! You can see the fun we all had in the following galleries:
Jo Kelly School families are ALWAYS willing to help when needed and recently donated hand towels and washcloths.
The teachers and staff of Jo Kelly School are involved every day in communicating with families by writing in notebooks etc. These notes and correspondence go back and forth to alert to the specific needs of each child for each day.
The students at Jo Kelly School are nonverbal so it is vital that teachers and care givers maintain this close communicative relationship.
In February our families are invited to join us for The Valentine’s Day Dance on February 14th. Families are crafting together and making Valentine mailboxes ♥ with their child to be used during our Valentine Festivities . ⇐ Go See!
Jo Kelly School families have also been invited to celebrate with us during The Annual Black History Program on February of each year.
This event includes many staff and students participating and making our Black History Program fun and educational. You won't want to miss it! The gallery is pending, but go check out the nurse door! The Annual Jo Kelly Black History Program ⇒
Thank you to our Jo Kelly Families from the staff of Jo Kelly School!
Jo Kelly School has enormous community support for which we are thankful.
Jo Kelly high school students help pack sack lunches for a program that provides food for the hungry through mission services offered at Broadway Baptist Church.
We support the church’s mission of helping those in need. Our students are able to give back to the community by providing these vocational services.
Webby Award
Digital Yearbooks
Rainbow of Possibilities 22-23
A Year Like No Other 2020-2021
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Jo Kelly School Information Hub
Dr. Camille Rodriguez
Congratulations from Jo Kelly School!
Thank you for your dedication to Fort Worth ISD students, teachers and the community!
Our Nursing Staff...
Is Second to None!
Bus Drivers
On behalf of our students, their families and the Jo Kelly Staff,
Thank you ALL for the professionalism, compassion and care as you transport our students.
Bus Driver and Attendant Appreciation 2021 ⇒
Support Our Soldiers ->
96.3 KSCS and SOS (Support Our Soldiers) promoted an annual holiday card drive.
Our students made cards for the soldiers!
Jo Kelly School Canned Food Drive
The Tarrant Area Food Bank
November 14- December 16
Our first annual canned food drive was a resounding success!
Jo Kelly School staff, families, guests, itinerant staff and bus personnel donated 1283 cans to The Tarrant Area Food Bank. That is over 1300 pounds of food!
Mark your calendars, because we will be exceeding those totals next year!
Jo Kelly Students receive a well rounded education full of new experiences.
April of each year we celebrate Earth Day. Our whole school is a buzz with Earth Day projects and activities.
Jo Kelly students are building and maintaining the school garden for their enjoyment.
Scout Day
In the month of April, Jo Kelly School has Scout Day.
The activities are age appropriate, hand-over-hand activities that fall right in with the goals many of our students have.
Go See! ⇒
Paws Across Texas
Virginia from Paws Across Texas has been visiting Jo Kelly for over 20 years!
In order to facilitate better learning, Jo Kelly Staff help each other 'get ready'!
We can only do that with the....
Many Helping Hands
The whole entire staff is always willing ♥ to give that extra hand by opening doors, pushing students to their next class, moving laundry, fetching equiptment or just getting lunch for the class next door. There is always extra muscle to help lift or set up rooms for the next activity.
It is great to work with such a helpful staff!
2019-20 Texas Academic Performance Report