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YWLA NHS Website
This is the official YWLA National Honor Society page. Please refer to the website for more information regarding meetings and more.
Who can join NHS?
Membership in the National Honor Society at YWLA is both a privilege and a recognition of high achievement in academics, leadership, character and service. The YWLA Chapter is open to students who are sophmores, juniors, or seniors. Previous membership in the National Junior Honor Society is not required. Students with a minimum of a 3.0-grade point average and who are not currently members of NHS will be invited to apply.
When can I apply?
Application letters will be sent to those students that meet the GPA requirement. Induction will be held during the spring semester.
How do I apply?
Once you receive your letter, you will fill out the application packet including:
- Online Application
What are the requirements?
In order to apply for membership the student must have at least a 3.6-grade point average and the student must demonstrate exemplary character and leadership by teacher and administrative recommendations. After students submit their applications by the appropriate deadlines, a five-member Faculty Council conducts a blind review and votes to accept or deny the application. Students are then notified of their membership status. Decisions of the Faculty Council are final. New members are recognized in a formal induction ceremony. New officers will be elected in May for the following year.
Members must complete 10 community service hours, maintain their grade point average, maintain standards of character and leadership, and attend scheduled meetings in order to be recognized at graduation with the NHS honor stole.
Each NHS member must pay their dues.
For more information please contact Mrs. Emily Allen at emily.sieker@fwisd.org or visit the website linked above.