Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child

  • Each child, in each school, in each of our communities deserves to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.


  • Spanish Model Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child


  • Coordinated School Health becomes Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child

    The ASCD and the CDC developed this model that incorporates the components of a coordinated school health program around the tenets of a whole child approach to education and provides a framework to address the symbiotic relationship between learning and health.

    Whereas the traditional CSH approach contained eight components, this model contains 10, expanding the original components of Healthy and Safe School Environment and Family and Community Involvement into four distinct components.

    With grant funds from the Sid W. Richardson Foundation, the district initiated wellness teams on each of its campuses. These teams are headed up by Local Wellness Coordinators who monitor the implementation of health and physical education instruction on the campus, as well as create and facilitate at least one wellness activity or program per year that involves students, parents, school staff and community members.