• FWISD Requests Employees Testing Positive Report Case to District

    District employees must report whether they’ve tested positive for COVID-19, per the Fort Worth ISD COVID-19 screening protocols.  

    Employees must contact their campus supervisor or campus principal. To the extent legally possible, the District will protect personal identifiable information from public disclosure at all times.

    “The Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) seeks to protect the health, safety, and well-being of all its employees and students. The information … is being requested by FWISD to properly assess the level of risk and potential exposure to yourself and others,” according to the authorization form.    

    In the event an employee has a COVID-19 case confirmed by testing, they must follow all isolation/quarantine instructions from FWISD in accordance with local health authorities.

    As a service to our employees, the Fort Worth ISD is consolidating information about COVID-19 vaccine opportunities. 

    Tarrant County Public Health offers local vaccine clinics on a regular basis. You can learn more by visiting their website.